The National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
Monday, September 26 , 2022
Darryl! LC Moch, Co-Chair, NBC, [email protected]
Philena Farley, Co-Chair, NBC, [email protected]
WASHINGTON D.C.: As of late August, it has come to the attention of the nation that yet another city with a majority population of Black people has a corrupted and decaying water system. These conditions are hazardous and to put it mildly, a drastic disruption to the lives of the residents of Jackson, Mississippi. “This is just another example of the ongoing environmental atrocities that have plagued communities of Black and Brown people across this country. The people of Jackson, Mississippi deserve better.” says, Ani Mozelle Baraka Dela Croix - Alabama Green Party Co-Chair, “It is inhumane and cruel to stand idly by as the residents of the capital city of Mississippi go without an adequate water source. It is imperative that we do not forget the people of Jackson; that we do not forget the people of Baltimore; that we remember Flint, Michigan residents are all still without a clean and safe water supply.”
This crisis is urgent but the overall issue is not new. The City of Jackson has been under a state of emergency since January of 2019 because of the dangerously high levels of chlorine and coliform bacteria found in their tap water. The water quality issues have reportedly been a reality for decades due to the neglect and irresponsibility of hired contractors by the local government and discriminatory lawmakers without real accountability and pursuit of permanent solutions.
Environmental and agricultural justice issues disproportionately impacting and affecting Black communities across the nation is important to the Green Party of the United States, which is why political action and activism are being pursued for the sake of helping the most affected and impacted citizens of the city.
Environmental and agricultural justice issues like this are ongoing and shall always need continued imports of resources and action towards stopping allowance of the public water systems that Americans depend on for various purposes to fail catastrophically for justification of privatizing utilities which corporations like Nestle and Siemens, can profit from. Aiden Hill - NBC Delegate/Berkeley City Council D7 Candidate added, “UC Berkeley’s sole water supplier/contractor is Nestle. They literally use public dollars to invest in corporations.” Corporate greed and injustice go hand in hand when it comes to the core reasons issues grow and expand which is why the Green Party of the United States runs and supports candidates for elected office that are about advocating and proactively fighting for the people. A vote for Greens is one for systemic change.
The Alabama Green Party and Mobile Bay Green Party in collaboration with District 41 Florida State Representative Candidate and National Black Caucus Parliamentarian Robin Harris as well as the National Black Caucus Co-Chair Darryl Moch, have reached out to grassroots leadership on the ground in Jackson to assist in the immediate needs of the community. The National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States supports all mutual aid and other humanitarian resources that are being sent to this city. It is also promoted and encouraged that citizens from surrounding communities and areas across this nation join and help fund the efforts of local organizations and activists on the ground. Contact all members of local, state, and federal government to justly demand that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) along with other federal agencies act and help all gravely affected by this crisis. Change can only result from those who choose to move when actions are called for, especially when most needed.
State of Affairs in Jackson, MS:
- The City of Jackson has not yet made a clear statement about their plan for addressing the immediate crisis. In spite of critical staffing shortages threatening the basic operation of the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant, EPA leadership warned that the City of Jackson has put no visible effort into hiring new employees.
- There are no current public resources for residents to access clean water, which is in direct violation of human rights and dignity. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency has a webpage about the Jackson water crisis with daily incident command briefings.
- This crisis is a direct result of environmental racism, which has historically led to disenfranchisement and oppression in the Black community.
- The Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition (The Coalition), led by the People’s Advocacy Institute, the Mississippi Poor People’s Campaign, Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equity, One Voice, MS, Alternate ROOTS, Mississippi Moves, Operation Good, Strong Arms of Mississippi and over thirty partner organizations, are working diligently to meet the clean water needs of the communities directly impacted by the deteriorating infrastructure in Jackson, Mississippi. The Coalition has a goal of raising a minimum of $2 million dollars to provide clean water to residents.
- The Moses West Foundation is a Black American non-profit organization raising funds to send technological tools and resources that will uniquely give a permanent solution for the citizens of Jackson to utilize as an alternative quality water supply.
EPA Says Jackson Failed To Address Water System Needs
This Multi-Billion Dollar Corporation Exacerbated The Water Crisis In Jackson, Mississippi
Co-Owner of Brandon Business Pleads Guilty to Clean Water Act Violation
Ways to Help: Jackson Water Crisis - Community Foundation for Mississippi
Jackson Water Rescue Mission - Moses West Foundation
Environmental Racism in Jackson, MS - TX Green Party Black Caucus
GP National Black Caucus Social Media Links:
Twitter: @GPUSBlackCaucus
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