Mentoring programs in politics leverage existing resources and key caucus members to help volunteers grow and thrive within their communities. Mentorship programs are key for voter retention and positive satisfaction within political activities.
In fact, the key to our survival as an alternative political party for progressive black voters that plan to stay within the Green Party for more than a 4-yr presidential election cycle will twice as likely to have a Black Caucus mentor.
Mentorship programs benefit Black Caucus members in multiple measurable and visible ways:
Improved Volunteer Onboarding and Productivity
When it comes to starting a new political campaign for office or local ballot measures, green party candidates can feel overwhelmed. However, when they’ve established a mentor-mentee relationship, they have the added benefit and support of knowing who to go to should they run into questions or problems. Furthermore, once candidates are trained, the mentorship program can lead to enhanced political impacts, which translates into increased awareness of our caucus and better welcoming environments for new black caucus members into the Green Party.
Leadership Development for Candidates & Candidate Campaign support
Mentorship programs allow for black caucus members to take ownership of their own political and professional development. Rather than feeling stagnant when joining a caucus, new caucus members exercise growth through their relationship with a mentor and have a trustworthy resource with whom to consult for advice. This helps to improve retention and create cost-effective and scalable programs for local campaigns.
Builds Diversity within the Green Party
In an effort to level the playing field against the 2-party system, we need diverse knowledge and ideas, and mentorship programs can help improve diversity in leadership within the Green Party. The sole existence of a successful program can serve to better attract, and of course, retain voters from all different backgrounds and walks of life.
Allows for Reverse Mentoring
Mentorship isn’t a one-way street. Like all relationships, the communication goes both ways, so mentors can learn from their mentees through knowledge sharing. For example, black caucus members across generations will be paired together, which means that younger generations can teach the older generations about new technology and upcoming trends while the older generations can share best campaign practices and help inform of 10 Key values. Through these programs, there is a deepened connection between black liberation and political agendas.
Supports a Learning Culture
Through bonds between people that may have never otherwise interacted, mentorship programs help to build intra-organizational personal relationships. They facilitate a collaborative learning environment and knowledge sharing between National Working Committees and state level caucuses. This translates to more well-rounded black caucus members who can grow their skillset and increase their political activism.
Reduces Costs for Grassroot Organizing
There is always a cost associated with training new black caucus members in , as well as acquiring new candidates to run for office. Since it’s more expensive to acquire new talent than retain existing members, mentorship programs can greatly help reduce costs for grassroot organizing. By establishing mentors and mentees who can rely on one another, the associated stress, anxiety about running for office or volunteering for a campaign is greatly reduced. The synergy created within a mentorship program will be felt by the entire Black Caucus and the Green Party.
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