Reparations Working Group

The Green Party of the United States Black Caucus is proud to announce its Green Party of the United States Reparations working group to secure full and complete reparations for the descendants of slaves in the United States of America.

RESOLUTION: Reads as follows:

The GPUS hereby states our support for U.S. House Resolution 40 - Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals.

The GPUS will work to inform our members and the public about the significance of the passage of H.R. 40 as a reparatory remedy for institutionalized slavery and discrimination to living Americans of African Descent.

The GPUS will establish a Working Group on Reparations, headed by the Green Party of the United States Black Caucus that will engage with the public, reparations organizations and lawmakers to increase public and government support for the passage of H.R. 40.

This resolution is a call to action to heal our country of the grave injustice of American Slavery and its on-going effects on all citizens of the United States.

If you are interested in joining the Green Party of The United States Black Caucus Reparations Working group fill out the GPUS Reparations Working Group Interest Survey.

"The Economic Bill of Rights is not a substitute for reparations for the particular harms that African-Americans suffer. We must continue to push for the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act (H.R. 40S. 2081). We need both."   Howie Hawkins - 2020 Presidential Candidate 


Black Lives Matter protest signs

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Greens of Colour chairperson Azzees Minott said: “Black people have had to work hard to contribute, be great leaders, curators and innovators in spite of the unequal conditions we have had to deal with for centuries. I'm glad that the Green Party has worked with campaigners to lead the way and address the social injustices that Black people have had to live with for far too long. This motion is the start of something new and it is really exciting.”  Greens lead on first successful slavery reparations motion

Reparations Working Groups as designed to pushed HR40 to implementation.. As soon as it's passed, we will have proof that the "Study" has been completed from various sources, and the work to implement can begin. 



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