The Green Party U.S. Black Caucus has two classes of membership (or participation) in its organization.
1. Full Membership: Reserved for African Americans and persons of African descent who (a) are registered voters having designated the Green Party as their party affiliation or are members of the GPUS or Campus Greens, (b) are registered Independent in states with laws that preclude recognition of or registration in the Green Party; and (c) whose contact information is forwarded to the GPUS Black Caucus. Voting rights are granted after a member has participated in a GPUS Black Caucus national conference call or national meeting. Other membership requirements, such as dues, will be decided by the membership.
2. Affiliate Membership: Other persons ineligible for full membership who are interested in the mission of the GPUS Black Caucus, above, may participate in GPUS Black Caucus activities. Affiliate members may participate in discussions with no voting or office holding privileges in the GPUS Black Caucus.
Membership Meetings: Members are encouraged to participate in a once monthly membership conference call in addition to the annual GPUS convention, GPUS Black Caucus annual planning meetings, GPUS Black Caucus committees/work groups and national, state or local GPUS Black Caucus events and activities. Members are especially encouraged to participation at the grassroots level.
GPUS Black Caucus meetings are held monthly, via conference call, on the 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. E.S.T.
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