NBC Newsletter May 2021
Police. Brutality.
National News:
The month of April, 2021 was full of mixed emotions for those of us in the Black Community. While the conviction of Derek Chauvin on charges of murder and manslaughter was a relief to those who on some level was expecting another acquittal, news of the murder of 20 year old Daunte Wright in Minnesota less than 10 miles away from where the jury was deliberating renewed national anger and sparked a series of protests and riots, which resulted in rubber bullets being fired at demonstrators and tear gas being launched into crowds in Minnesota. NBC Co-Chair Trahern Crews has been among the many at the forefront of some of these protests and has issued statements regarding the outrage at the slew of police killings in his community. Mr. Crews has been an outspoken advocate for the people that have been killed in Minnesota, and has been a member of Black Lives Matter since 2014. The NBC will be issuing a statement regarding his work and experiences with the BLM movement in the very near future on our communications platform Flock, via email and on Nation builder.
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NBC Statement Regarding Derek Chauvin Conviction
We could all hear the exhalation of breath around the world after the jury in Minneapolis, MN returned the verdicts convicting Derek Chauvin of the murder of George Floyd after only 10 hours. The city of Minneapolis was prepared for the possibility of ensuing violence with businesses boarded up and the national guard called in…anticipating yet another acquittal for yet another white man killing a Black man. Hope for another obvious case resulting in justice, yet moderate expectations of yet another police killing gone unpunished.
This time it was different. Video testimony taken by a brave 17 year old showed the last 9 minutes of George Floyd’s life as he pleaded for his life. The world watched a previously healthy man before alive and well in the grocery store just minutes before he died during the trial. This should have been a foregone conclusion, and yet our expectations were still low due to the long history of police murders of Black people that had gone without punishment. And yet the feeling that justice was finally being met out was only fleeting.
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Mentorship Program
Mentoring programs in politics leverage existing resources and key caucus members to help volunteers grow and thrive within their communities. Mentorship programs are key for voter retention and positive satisfaction within political activities.
In fact, the key to our survival as an alternative political party for progressive black voters that plan to stay within the Green Party for more than a 4-yr presidential election cycle will twice as likely to have a Black Caucus mentor.
Mentorship programs benefit Black Caucus members in multiple measurable and visible ways:
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Honesty Day 2021
A round table discussion regarding the aggressive censorship practices in America over the past 20 years in regards to alternative political parties, independent media outlets, and health concerns
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Newsletter April 2021
National News:
Kim Janey was sworn in on March 24, 2021 as Boston’s first Woman and first Black person to serve in the role of mayor in the city’s nearly 400 year history.
The city of Evanston, IL voted to distribute 10 million dollars over the next ten years to Black people in their community for “Reparations’. $400,000 is the first step in the city’s plan, with qualified recipients receiving $25,000 for housing related concerns. For more information on varying perspectives of this, see the panel discussion on Chicago Tonight Black Voices here.
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Newsletter March 2021
Newsletter March 2021
National News:
We are excited to see the ACLU appoint Deborah Archer to the position of President. She is the first Black President in the ACLU’s 101 year history. Archer, 1st generation daughter of Jamaican immigrants, is a professor at New York University, graduate of Yale Law School, and winner of several awards for her civil rights work, legal work, and written pieces, among many other accomplishments. She has stated in several media interviews that the top priority for the ACLU will be on social justice and civil rights, including Reparations.
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NBC Newsletter Jan/Feb2021
Happy Black History Month to All!
National News:
It probably comes as no surprise to anyone that on January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first woman/first person of color to hold the position of Vice President of the United States. A surprising development came out of this as well. During the inauguration of Harris and Joe Biden as President, Amanda Gormon, the youngest Poet Laureate to date, delivered a powerful poem titled The Hill We Climb that sent reverberations throughout America and the world. Gormon is featured in several interviews and now has two bestsellers at the top of the Amazon book list, although they will not come out until September! The titles of Gormon’s books are The Hill We Climb (a debut collection of Ms. Gordon’s poems) and Change Sings: A Children’s Anthem (a picture book for children). She has also signed a contract with IMG Modeling agency, famous for such models as Gigi and Bella Hadid. She will also appear at the upcoming Superbowl.
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